Call of Duty Multiplayer Help: Silencer

A silencer on Call of Duty Multiplayer can benefit you in a few ways:

Call of Duty Multiplayer has
a mini map, when a gun is fired without
a Silencer they appear as a red dot
to the opposing team.

When a silencer is added to a gun,
The red dot is no longer shown and
it can benefit for snipers with reduced muzzle flash so they cant be spot out so easily if they are rocking ghost, or Modern Warfare 3's Assassin perk,

It makes it that much easier to do better if the enemy cannot see where you're shooting from
 But here the bad part, Silencers reduce Range with any gun, But at the loss of a little bit of range you
gain the advantage of surprise!

   -Stay frosty and DOMINATE Call of Duty Multiplayer!

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