Call of Duty Multiplayer Help: MOAB

The Mother of all bombs, The MOAB.

The hardest kill streak to get on Multiplayer.

It takes 25 non-kill streak kills to get this bad boy, or 24 with Hardline BUT the benefit to getting a MOAB is, You get double xp for the rest of the match and you also kill the entire team and cause an EMP to go off so, you get double xp, set off an EMP and get some kills.

That's a good enough list of reasons to make anyone want to try and get one of these bad boys unlike Modern Warfare 2's Nuke,
 It doesn't end the game "phew" and who doesn't like DOUBLE XP?!?1

So go out and try your hardest to get this beastly kill streak and DOMINATE Multiplayer!!

  -Stay frosty and DOMINATE Call of Duty Multiplayer!

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