Call of Duty Multiplayer Help: Riot shields

Riot shields on Modern warfare 3 can be wicked annoying
 when it comes to trying to kill someone so here is a few tips
on how to bring these annoying punks down!

Aim for their feet, they may have
a Riot Shield but they aren't bulletproof
So slam some bullets into their feet!

Flash bang or concussion to blind them, run behind them and throw a knife or shoot the crap out of them!

Pumping them full of lead, Say you and a team-mate encounter a Riot Shield user on Multiplayer,
 Well not all is lost, drop as many bullets as you can into this little sucker and he won't be lasting that long.

If you're skilled enough and in the right area you can ricochet a throwing knife right into them, It takes practice but wouldn't it be sick to have them see that as a killcam? or even a game ending killcam?

Call of Duty Multiplayer is tough but practice makes perfect.

     -Stay frosty and DOMINATE Call of Duty Multiplayer!

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