Monday, May 21, 2012

Call of Duty Multiplayer Help: Call of Duty Black Ops 2

As many of you know, Black ops 2 has been announced!

The idea has been out for awhile and many
 Famous Call of Duty Youtube Commentators
Kept throwing out ideas of what they would like to see
they all had awesome ideas which would make the game that much more fun, Here is the official trailer link:

I honestly loved Black Ops and when I'm online playing it I notice it has players online than
 Modern Warfare 3, Which doesn't surprise me because alot of people complained it was just a
re-vamped Modern Warfare 2.

But none the less I love playing both, I even still play World at War alot, its still wicked fun too.
So there it is folks if you didn't hear about it you have now, check out the video and drop a comment here
 and throw some ideas out of what you might think will be added to the game!

  -Stay frosty and DOMINATE Call of Duty Multiplayer!

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