Sunday, May 20, 2012

Call of Duty Multiplayer Help

Welcome to Call of Duty Multiplayer Help:
 I will be teaching all of you every tip known to give you a  HUGE advantage when playing any game type or any COD "Call of Duty" This first post will be my
first tip to all you new readers, Enjoy!

 I've played every Call of Duty,
 And one thing I've learned is: Quickess.

If you're not that fast with a controller, Aiming, crouching, laying down etc
 then practice! The faster you are the easier it is to get that fifth of a second and score a kill.

The best CoD I have played to train on is probably Black Ops because it has combat training and you
  Can choose the difficulty of the bots from easiest to hardest, other Call of Dutys for example have the campaign mode like Black ops and you can choose the difficulty yes BUT that only goes so far.

So if you have Black Ops at your disposal then throw on some Combat Training and get to work!

Another thing with reaction time, quickness etc is your sensitivity level.
 To change it you can go to your settings menu and it should be located right in there. BUT do not go
overboard and crank it on 10, You'll probably get lost in some random building or ally-way and be a perfect
target for the enemy. Try it on 1 and see how slow it is and how hard it is, then slowly build yourself up.

Alot of it also depends on TV size, I tried playing on my normal 5 setting on a 19 inch TV and it was all over the place, So adjust your sensitivity level to what feels or looks good for your TV size.

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