Sunday, May 20, 2012

Call of Duty Multiplayer game modes

Call of Duty has a nice selection of game modes:

  • Team Deathmatch
  • Free for All
  • Domination
  • Ground War
  • Demolition
  • Sabotage
  • Headquarters
  • Capture the Flag
  • Search and Destroy

    Above are the basic ones, The different Call of Duty games have different game modes though.
      Black Ops for example, It has Wager Matches, Which include:

    Gun Game:
     All players starter with the same weapon and with each kill advance to the next gun, The goal is to reach the last tier and get the game

    kill. If a player kills them self or is knifed by another player they get demoted a gun rank.

    One in the chamber:
      This game mode is my personal favorite, They added it to Modern Warfare 3 aswell.
       The objective in One in the Chamber is to kill everyone you see, But the catch is you only have
     One bullet! For each kill with a bullet you get a bullet back, For each knife you get an extra bullet added to your clip, You only have three life's in this game mode so, Remember to watch your back!

    Sticks and Stones:
      In this game mode you have four weapons to use: Crossbow it fires an explosive tipped arrow that sticks to people, A Tomahawk which kills on any direct contact, A Ballistic Knife which acts as a melee weapon and a projectile, And your basic melee knife.

       This is a really fun one too, Every player will start with the same gun and they change every 45 seconds throughout the match and you gain points like every other game type, At the end they have something called "Sharpshooter round" Which awards double points. But if you're good enough to not be killed you can obtain perks to reload faster and etc and also get, Double points.

    Now on to the main topic Game Modes,
      Some Game Modes are better because they are more laid back and not all of the experienced players flood the lobby's and make it hard for beginners to get a good feel for it, A perfect place to start is TEAM DEATHMATCH! The objective is simple, kill the enemy!

      The map has three strategic points, Flags. A, B and C the objective is to capture these flags and hold them and be awarded points, If the enemy team steals one, Get it back!

    Free for All:
      The title pretty much explains it all, Everyone is pitted against one another, Kill everyone you see and try to be a little bit sneaky.

    Ground war:
     Larger player lobbys for some different game modes "Holds 18 players".

    Anyways the list goes on thats just an idea, The best game modes experience wise are, For Black Ops, Between Headquarters, Sabo and Demolition.

    For Modern Warfare 3, Team defender hands down, If your team is good and can keep the flag its mad XP and you get bonus points for kills if your team has the flag.

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